Mad hatter mini top hat for parties and dress up: instant download!
What top hat collection would be complete without a nod to the Mad Hatter, Alice’s friend and companion in Wonderland. This classy mini top hat template idea is perfect as fancy dress, world book day outfits, costume parties and craft activities.

Mad as a hatter!
The name Mad Hatter was never used by Lewis Carroll in the book of Alice in Wonderland, where he is merely ‘The Hatter’. The card on his hat reads “In this style 10/6”, which refers to the price of the hat – 10 shillings and six pence. In the mid 19th century, when Carrol wrote Alice, Mercury was used to process the felt hats and hat makers were exposed to the toxic vapours. Mercury poisoning can cause erratic, flamboyant behavior and many believe this was the inspiration for Caroll’s hatter.
Be sure to check out Happythought’s mini paper top hat set!
New mini top hat costume ideas for your next party or activity day tea party: A cool black top hat, victorian Steampunk style and shake it with a bit of Burlesque. Be the boss with a circus top hat, go with a St Patrick’s Day lucky hat, Valentines top hats and Halloween bug hats and get noticed!
More mini top ideas and templates to investigate:
Video tutorial: Make your own Mini Top Hats: 8 Fantastic Mini Top Hat designs!
Read about more craft ideas on our blog. We hope you enjoyed learning how to make a mini mad hatter top hat! If so, please give us a little love; by liking us on facebook, pinning us on pinterest or following us on twitter. Thank you!