How to make a paper thistle for Burns Night Supper decorations: Easy instructions and template!
We had great fun making these paper thistles for our Burns Night supper on the 25th January.
Gorgeous thistles to celebrate Scotland’s best loved poet – Rabbie Burns
Happythought members can download the template here. Then follow the easy video tutorial included. Experiment with different colors and sizes and fill your home or class room.

You will need
- Green craft paper or white card stock to color-in
- Crepe paper
- Scissors
- A kebab stick (or drinking straw)
- Green paint
- Paint brush
- A glue stick
- Happythought thistle templates

Make a beautiful Scottish flower paper decoration
Step 1
Print the thistle templates on to green card stock, or color in the templates on white card stock.
Step 2
Paint your kebab stick with green paint and leave to dry
Step 3
Fringe a roll of crepe paper approx. 5 cm tall. make your cuts around 3 cm deep.
Step 4
Using your glue stick apply glue to the pointy end of your kebab stick. Begin to wrap the crepe paper around the stick, fanning it out as you go. Apply glue to the centre every now and then to keep it secure.
Step 5
Once you have a full ‘flower’, cut the end of the crepe paper and glue it firmly in place.
Step 6
Next cut out the base pieces of your thistle and fold in half.
Step 7
Stick the bases back-to-back in twos as shown, on one side only.
Step 8
Apply them to the base of the thistle flower with your glue stick, sticking the pairs back to back.
Step 9
Now cut out the thistle leaves and apply glue in the center.
Step 10
Place the stem in the middle of the leaves and wrap the center around the stick, attaching the two sides together.
Your thistle is ready! Have fun experimenting with the color and size of your thistle flower.

We hope you enjoyed learning how to make a paper thistle. If so, please give us a little love; by liking us on facebook, pinning us on pinterest or following us on twitter. Thank you!
I’m a brownie leader this will come in very useful for a craft night ☺