Classic black paper top hat: Dress up for the party in style!
Big Ted has no problem getting into any party, but with this stylish looking paper top hat and bow tie, he is sure to be the belle of the ball. This classic black mini top hat idea and bow tie combo is easy to assemble at home – all you’ll need is our Happythought PDF templates, a printer, some paper, scissors and glue.
You too could look dandy in this classic little black hat – just like the ‘little black dress’ every woman should have in their wardrobe.

Special thanks to our handsome model for wearing our cute paper top hat – Big Ted.
The black top hat – Short history and tradition
a.k.a. topper, beaver hat, high hat, silk hat, cylinder hat, chimney pot hat or stove pipe hat.
It is difficult to tell who invented the top hat but it is clear that it rapidly became the new fashionable item to have, replacing the tricome. George Dunner a hatter from Middlesex in 1793 was the first to create a silk top hat in England. The black top silk hat was then crafted from cheesecloth, linen, flannel and shellac. Beaver fur eventually gave way to silk for the upper classes. Within twenty years top hats had become popular with all social classes, with even workmen wearing them.
This is a policeman’s report of a disturbance caused in London in 1797.
“Hetherington had such a tall and shiny construction on his head that it must have terrified nervous people. The sight of this construction was so overstated that various women fainted, children began to cry and dogs started to bark. One child broke his arm among all the jostling.”
Hetherington had drawn a crowd wearing a tall stove-pipe top hat. The London times reported that the police and the magistrates and police had acted wrongly and that this would become an accepted form of fashion by the public sooner rather than later.
Be sure to check out Happythought’s mini paper top hat set!
Try something new for your next fiesta or costume party with one of these mini top hat ideas: A victorian Steampunk mini top hat, shake it with a bit of Burlesque and the must hat for any tea party, the Madhatter. Be the boss with a circus top hat, go with a St Patrick’s Day lucky hat, Valentines top hats and Halloween bug hats and get noticed!
More mini top hat ideas and templates
Make your own Mini Top Hats: 8 Fantastic Mini Top Hat designs!
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