Easy llama mask template: Download and make a paper mask instantly
No drama llama, making this cute llama mask template at home in a jiffy. Your download includes a mask to color in, a llama fact sheet and coloring page.
Available to Happythought members to download.

PDF HIGH RESOLUTION (300 dpi) file contains the following templates/patterns:
1) Llama mask template and instructions
2) Llama mask black and white color in template
3) Llama facts black and white color in worksheet
Our digital templates are designed to be easy to make. We like things simple too!
The templates include instruction sheets with step-by-step photo instructions showing how to assemble your mask.
Quick llama costume idea

We love Llamas…so much so we created a book with more fabulous llama crafts to make. Be sure to see our posts on color in llama worksheets for kids and adults. More info on ‘Llama Crafts: 18 adorable llama loving craft projects to inspire your creativity!‘

Llama crafts by Ellen Deakin is on Amazon. Perfect for ideas in art class, home, workshops, libraries and after school.
Want more mask templates and costume ideas?
Check out our popular Happythought Printable Animal Masks set. Includes B&W masks to color in, plus animal activity fact sheets. Printable Halloween mask/costume ideas, super hero masks and a set of calavera masks for Day of the Dead celebrations.
See these other craft ideas
- 3 printable llama templates
- Llama coloring in activity pages
- Llama balloon craft project
- Paper Llama finger puppets
- Pineapple pom-pom craft activity
We hope you enjoyed our llama mask worksheets. If so, please give us a little love; by liking us on facebook, pinning us on pinterest or following us on twitter. Thank you!
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