As you can see at Happythought we love homemade printable DIY headdress ideas, especially if they are easy to make and include photo and video step-by-step instructions.
We have different headdress designs for a festival season, carnival, Day of the Dead and Cinco de Mayo. Plus our popular paper flower crown headdress kit, full of fantastic flower templates to take your DIY flower crown designs to the next level.
Printable DIY ‘Rio’ carnival crown templates
Prepare for some serious strutting in the carnival parade with our popular printable carnival headdress set. Inspired by, Rio, Mardi Gras, Trinidad and Mazatlan carnival festivities. Watch the video instructions to see how to make your own carnival crown headdress.
Make a DIY Carnival headdress. Printable DIY ‘Trinidad’ carnival crown templates
El Dia de los Muertos festival is very popular in Mexico and celebrates the passing of loved ones. Inspired by carnival and Day of the Dead we have created these headpieces with simple instructions to make at home – 4 amazing bright and bold crown or corona designs.
Make a Day of the Dead sugar skull headdress. Printable DIY carnival crown templates
Make a lotería paper crown headdress. Printable Day of the Dead DIY crown templates

Be sure to see our easy to follow video tutorial on creating this super Mermaid crown or headdress. The templates are exclusively for Happythought members to download free.
These printable DIY headdress ideas are perfect for quick DIY carnival costumes, festival outfits, cosplay or creative art projects at home or in school.