Make a fun & easy 3D DIY printable tiger mask
Rroarrr! Make your own printable tiger mask, part of our Happy Animal Friends 3D printable mask set. Print as many as you like – they’re very easy to make and our kids had so much fun with these mask ideas – we’re sure yours will too!
Be a Tiger in no time! Mask template and video tutorial: Make your own 3D paper tiger mask!
Great for dressing up easy animal costume ideas, parties, school plays and activities or for some fun on a rainy day! Be sure to check out our fun and free fox mask template to download here –
How to make your tiger mask – a step-by-step photo tutorial

Step 1
You will need scissors, a glue stick, masking tape and some ribbon. For a longer lasting mask, print your template on to a slightly heavier stock paper.
Step 2
Carefully cut out the mask, ears, whiskers and eye holes.
Step 3
Glue the middle panels together with your glue stick and secure on the back with a little masking tape.
Steps 4
Next stick the two side panels together as shown.
Step 5
Now to add the whiskers.
Step 6
Attach a length of ribbon to either side of your mask. You can glue it in place, then stick with masking tape for a really firm hold.
Step 7
Roaaar! Your tiger mask is ready to wear!
How about an easy ‘throw together’ tiger costume with paper tiger mask?

Great resources for parents and teachers:
10 make your own animal masks, 10 animal mask color in pages and 10 animal fact color in sheets.

The tiger mask templates are part of our Happy Animal masks pack.
Happy Animal Friends mask templates: bear, bunny, cat, dog, fox, koala, owl, panda, deer and tiger masks to print out and make.
6 facts about tigers
1. The Tiger is the biggest species of the cat family.
2. Subspecies of the tiger include the Sumatran Tiger, Siberian Tiger, Bengal Tiger, South China Tiger, Malayan Tiger and Indochinese Tiger.
3. A group of Tigers is known as an ‘ambush’ or ‘streak’.
4. Tiger cubs leave their mother when they are around 2 years of age.
5. Tigers are good swimmers.
6. Tigers are usually nocturnal hunters.

Portraits by our friend and talented Chilean Artist Rodrigo Antonio Mesa Ramirez.
Check out more mask ideas and templates
Read about more craft ideas on our blog. We hope you enjoyed this printable printable tiger mask, color-in sheets and tiger fact pages. If so, please give us a little love; by liking us on facebook, pinning us on pinterest or following us on twitter. Thank you!