Craft activities

Delve into our treasure trove of printable packs for craft activities!

Choose the craft activities that you love and that will help you with your kids and keep them happy and absorbed both at home and school. We have some for special dates, Like Dia de Los Muertos and Day of the Dead, St Patrick’s Day or Halloween spooks. Others for decoration, like our artistic Talavera Tiles, Lucha Libre and Superhero masks for games and activities.

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Then there are special designs for Carnival headpieces, also our classic Russian Dolls and – wow! – a London printables and activity worksheet pack, special for teachers, but good for everyone.

Spoilt for Choice? Try several. All the packs of craft activities are good value, instantly downloadable and endlessly re-printable, so it’s a long-term investment.

Other printables are shown in our main printable templates page

Showing 1–18 of 40 results

Showing 1–18 of 40 results